Straight Feeders, Plug In and Tap Off Section

Feeder Busways Offered by us are suitable for Indoor and Outdoor Installation. Busway Feeders for outdoor application, are provided with additional covers, this alongside design of enclosure ensure integrity of protection required against ingress. According to application and site conditions, client can choose these feeders with IP65, IP66 and IP67 Degree of Protection for outdoor application.

Various environmental, atmospheric, installation conditions can influence performance of outdoor busway. Our application Engineering team does review of these factors influencing performance of busways and can recommend specifications and configuration of busway system to customer – they can be also approached to inspect execution of installation works, which is vital for ensuring satisfactory performance of the system offered.

Feeder busways for indoor application offer ingress protection for IP54 and IP55 range. Reckoning other services running nearby these systems, location of installation, selection of ingress protection from available range can be done.
